Acting Workshop

The Tuppets , the intuition of performing art that is part of Tripada Learning Solution offers some program for school teacher ,school children , theatre lover, and corporate company to make better person and artist through and in theatre.

For school

A - Theatre for education

School improvement program through Drama

The Tuppets believe learning can happen if teacher and student are creating learning, if student have active participation. We will do theatre workshop with shy children and children of learning difficulties to improve study and life skill.

First phase (Training) - Teacher Training program – this is the art integration training without disturbing school schedule, as we know art integration is mandatory as per NEP-20. So we have to train Teacher on art integration. We use teaching methodology of drama and theater- In- education. The main work of Theatre in Education is to keep searching new teaching method and using drama and theatre technique with new research for young people development and learning. So we will do the training of actor and facilitator with subject teachers so that teachers can get skill and idea to enhance professional development without disturbing their routine teaching work.

Second phase (field based practice) - Creative partnership with subject teacher and children we will work with subject teacher into classroom on running chapter of all subjects. To develop art integration, according to NCF-2023, subject like math, science, social science and language through drama. We provide teaching tool so that teacher can do easily .

Third phase (presentation) - The Curriculum Theatre – selected studied material will be performed by student for learning purpose not for entertainment. Class wise presentation in front of Teachers, parent, children, and management and Discussion on learning difficulties

B - Theatre for Theatre

Play production with and for children

a- Mega production – whole school children performance: This is where whole school participates in performance. We may do annual function on subject like mythology, Indian & Guajarati culture, and relevant subject for children.

b- Normal Play – Production –This is normal play-production. We do devised and scripted play with and for children on western and Indian dramatic literature.

c- Unique Acting training for school children - we conduct acting training with new scientific exercise for children so that child can learn quickly and without pressure. We use concept and practice for Child as player and play- maker.

Out of school

(National school of Drama Tested Module for children)

1- Weekend Theatre club for children - we offer Weekend Theater for children. This is from July to January every Saturday or Sunday as per your batch. We do child centric approach to learn in & through theatre art. We do theatre with/by children effective to cognitive approach, so that child with pleasure explores his/her qualities and individuality through teaching artist method. At the end of program, we produce devised /scripted play in front of audience.

2- Summer Theatre workshop for children-This can be one month production oriented or without production for developmental purpose of child during summer holiday. We use well practiced theatre in education workshop module.

For corporate sector

Three days to six days corporate human development program through drama - The emotional intelligence and team building are major problem in every company. People do job but don’t like it. Just because of they feel that they are in wrong field. They don’t operate emotion. If we improve creativity and individuality of individual,this is corporate employees Workshop for self-development. The aim is to improve employee’s creativity, communication, empathy and to improve company coordination, team building, and cooperation. It will be is designed according to company requirement. This may be three days but can be extended in more days. The charges of service can be from rupees fifty thousand - to one lac as per days andwe are flexible and make realistic plan according to need of client.

For Beginning Actor (Adult)

Acting for Stage and Film

1- Integrated acting course – one to Three month

  • Introduction to Acting
  • Physical exercise and movement practice
  • Poetry Presentation
  • Speech exercise
  • Monologue Presentation
  • The basic concept of characterization
  • Playing with goal, situation, character, style, and performance
  • Acting scene work
  • Scene work performance
  • Staging technique
  • Actors’ relationship with text, director, music, set, light,
  • Costume and make-up and properties
  • Working with conflict and stage business in a performance Context
  • Rehearse scene normally
  • Performance Practice -Actors own writing exercise
  • Applications of Storytelling: Storytelling in education,
  • Therapy and community engagement.
  • Storytelling in digital media and new media platforms.
  • Career pathways and opportunities in acting
  • Solo Performance Making
  • Creative Collaboration and Final Performances
  • Acting in different types of plays
  • Performance Consistency
  • Professionalism in record submission
  • Performance and Audience Space
  • Production and acting for Radio drama
  • Introduction to Podcasting
  • Introduction to Voice-over/ dubbing
  • Voice- over dubbing basics
  • Voice-over for animation
  • Acting for Camera
  • Practical Scene Work
  • Continuity and Character Consistency
  • Tools to Professional Practice
  • Working with Directors
  • Acting in Different Film Genres
  • Preparing for On-Camera Auditions / Self-Taping Techniques
  • Final Project: Film Analysis Presentation
  • Final Project: Filming and Reviewing a Scene
  • Acting for Different Media
  • Acting for Television
  • Acting for Digital Media
  • Performance Projects
  • Cross-Media Piece: Develop and perform a piece that Incorporates elements from theatre, film, television, and digital media.
  • Collaborative projects that simulate real-world media
  • production and social media Feedback and critique sessions to enhance performance skills

2- Acting workshop – 12 days to 30 days Every day of weekend club for six month
We conduct acting training with new scientific exercise with new research for adult.


Playing goal - Theory

Playing situation – Theate game

Playing Character - Exercise

Playing style – scene work

Playing the performance- In house production

If you and your organization are interested, join us, invite us, and write us, we are welcome.