There always had been an ambiguity surrounding the existence of the word THEATRE or DRAMA. Educationists and other practitioners can hardly differentiate between drama and theatre; or its relationship as a learning tool. The relevance of Theatre in Education (TIE) vertical is of utmost important in nurturing individual potentials among school and higher education segment.

As we all know that education is an instrument for nation’s development and it fosters individual and the society, forming better communities for the world. The study of Theatre in Education as an academic discipline is universally accepted as we are aware that drama being part of theatre originated from Greek, it is very much obvious for us to affirm at the study of theatre arts is inclusive and can be traced to an ancient Greece as the basis of a broad spectrum linked to all the subjects of education for the students as well as adults. It is proven as a medium of corrective measures of thought process for all walks of life. During Roman times, the concept of the seven liberal acts evolved; involving Grammar, rhetoric and logic, arithmetic, geometry, astronomy and music. Many national and international universities and school has kept this subject as a part of academic discipline involving Grammar, rhetoric and logic, arithmetic, geometry, astronomy and music.


– The Institute Of Performing Arts

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